Garrett CSI 250 Ground Search Metal Detector
with 6.5×9″ Search Coil, Deluxe Headphones and CSI Carry Bag
The Garrett CSI 250 combines affordability with consistent performance, making it an ideal choice for your team. The Target ID Legend identifies common crime scene items such as bullets, bullet casings, and metal weapons, while the depth indicator shows how deep your target it located. The CSI 250 also features simple operation, notch discrimination and electronic pinpointing.
Frequency : 6.5 kHz
Warranty : 2 Year Limited
Total Weight : 2.7 lbs (1.2 kgs)
Notch Discrimination : To Modify Discrimination Patterns
Continuous Coin Depth Indicator : To Determine Target Depth
Expanded Target ID Legend : Easy-To-Read Above Large LCD Screen
Factory Included Accessories:
CSI Carry Bag
6.5×9″ Search Coil
Deluxe Headphones
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